S01 E05: Going Out as a Special Needs Parent

Parents of typical children struggle through a few years when it can be difficult to get out of the house, but eventually that phase changes, and going out becomes easier and easier.  In this episode, Talya and Joanna chat about how, in contrast, for many families with special needs children, the challenges involved in going out can get harder, rather than easier, as the children get older. Simple activities, which most people take for granted, become imbued with such chaos

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Why My Five Year Old Still Breastfeeds

I used to joke that I had no idea how to wean a child without being pregnant with another one. Our oldest was nearly two when, in the second trimester with his younger brother, my body shifted its focus to the baby. My milk supply dwindled, and my son lost interest. It worked out brilliantly, without requiring me to take a tough stand. This was especially a relief because we have always called breastfeeding “boobies,” and our oldest was an

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S01 E04: COVID and Special Needs Families

COVID-19 has affected families of children with special needs in unique ways that the rest of the population might not imagine. Today we sit down (virtually) with parents of children with different special needs to discuss how COVID has impacted their children and their families, and what school and therapy looks like for their children this fall. OHS: Our Hidden Stories Podcast is brought to you by the Our Hidden Stories project, whose mission is to share, through authenticity, the

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S01 E03: Special Education in the Age of COVID Part B

We sat down (virtually!) on August 2nd with educational consultant and advocate Angelica Medrano to talk about how an educational advocate can help parents to navigate the world of special education, as well as the particular challenges to special education during the age of COVID. Our conversation was so fruitful that we divided it into two podcast episodes. In this episode–Part B–we talk about why the proposed distance learning plans pose a particular challenge to children with disabilities; specifically why

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S01 E02: Special Education in the Age of COVID Part A

We sat down (virtually!) on August 2nd with educational consultant and advocate Angelica Medrano to talk about how an educational advocate can help parents to navigate the world of special education, as well as the particular challenges to special education during the age of COVID. Our conversation was so fruitful that we divided it into two podcast episodes. In this episode, we discuss some basic special education terminology and information; the role of an educational advocate; advice about how to

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I made it ten years as a mother before I had to clean poop off of a wall. This isn’t a bad record considering we’ve had no break from changing diapers for the past decade. After all, many children go through a poop-smearing baby/toddler phase, and this is one gross habit my kids never got into—though there are plenty of others! A single, isolated poop-cleaning episode during year eleven of my marriage would not in itself be a noteworthy event—especially

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S01 E01: Introduction

In this introductory episode, Joanna and Talya discuss what Our Hidden Stories and the OHS Podcast are all about.

(1) Our Hidden Stories (an audio blog) can be found at https://ourhiddenstories.com

(2) To see the latest from OHS, please “like” our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ourhiddenstoriespodcast

(3) Joanna’s son (Saly) and Talya’s son (Asa) share a genetic disorder called Phelan-McDermid Syndrome, which is a severe developmental disorder. You can learn more at www.pmsf.org.

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